
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), also called the sunshine vitamin, is synthesised by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Other sources of this vitamin are oily fish such as sardines, salmon and tuna. Fish products such as cod liver oil also provide the body with this essential nutrient.

Vitamin D3 plays an important role in the body and has an influence on several critical functions. It may also have a role in the prevention of many diseases. Here are some of the benefits of vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 Plays A Major Role In Important Body Functions

1: Helps regulate Calcium levels

Correct functioning of the nervous system, bone growth and maintaining optimum levels of bone density requires calcium levels in the blood to be maintained within a small range. Vitamin D3 plays a major role in the way our body uses Calcium.

2: Enhances Immunity

D3 has a significant influence on the immune system. It can enhance immunity and increase our resistance to diseases. It may also prevent autoimmunity, a condition in which our immune system turns against our body and damages it.

3: Regulates blood pressure

It is a fact that vitamin D levels have a significant influence on blood pressure. Although optimal amounts of D3 decreases the risk of hypertension, more studies are required to establish whether it is beneficial for normalising blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

4: Plays a role in insulin production

In its active form, vitamin D plays a role in insulin secretion when the body requires a higher quantity of insulin. Studies indicate that lower than optimum levels of vitamin D may impair insulin secretion. It may also have a role in type 2 diabetes. More research is required to establish the actual effects of vitamin D levels on insulin and also its role in diabetes or its prevention.

Vitamin D3 May Help Prevent Or Reduce The Intensity Of Some Diseases

Research suggests that a deficiency of D3 has a role to play in some health conditions and restoring adequate levels of vitamin D could reduce the intensity of the condition in some cases.

1: Bone diseases

An extreme deficiency of vitamin D results in diseases like osteomalacia and rickets. Osteoporosis is the other condition where insufficient vitamin D can play a role. Generally, osteoporosis is a result of calcium deficiency.

This can be caused due to insufficient calcium in the diet. However, vitamin D is instrumental in absorption of calcium by the body and a deficiency can result in impaired calcium absorption.

Sufficient levels of D3 in our body will help in the development of strong bones, which in turn will prevent the development of osteoporosis as we get older. Women, people who are unable to walk and patients who undergo steroid therapy are more vulnerable to osteoporosis as they grow older.

2: Autoimmune disorders

Autoimmune diseases are caused when our immune system, which fights diseases, turns against our own body tissues. Examples of such diseases are multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus. Although not conclusively proven, studies hint that adequate vitamin D intake may reduce the chances of autoimmune diseases.

Adequate levels of vitamin D3 is very essential for our health. Deficiency of vitamin D is considered one of the principal causes for a variety of disorders and diseases.

People who don’t get adequate exposure to sunlight and don’t consume foods rich in vitamin D are likely to have a deficiency of this essential nutrient. Some of the consequences of vitamin D deficiency surface only later in life by which time it is usually too late.

You can view some of the Vitamin D/D3 products available here.