Can I be Allergic to More Than One Food?

If you have a food allergy, you already know about taking extra precautions, checking labels, making special recipes, even avoiding your favorite restaurants and dishes. However, even if you avoid what you’re allergic to completely, you may still be at risk of having...

Motivating Yourself to Achieve Healthy Goals

Motivation is key to attaining your goals. If you are someone who can’t get excited about your goals, then achieving them can become drudgery. No one wants to spend their days doing chores. Here are five tips to help motivate you to succeed: 1. Rewards If you’ve ever...

Mosquito and the Diseases They Carry

For most people, mosquito bites are very unpleasant. Depending on your reaction, they can range from annoying to downright painful. But for many people, a mosquito bite doesn’t just mean skin irritation; it can mean a serious illness. While most areas of the world...

Monkey See Monkey Do

Kids mimic their parents and because they do, it is likely that if parents live a sedentary lifestyle, so too will their children. Even before babies can speak, they watch their moms and dads intently, always observing. A study conducted by Pediatrics &...

Keeping Your Mind and Body Healthy

When our bodies are healthy, our minds are usually healthy as well. Being in good health gives us more energy and a better attitude. But it is important not to take these gifts for granted. We must take steps to maintain our physical and mental health. If one is...

Menopause and Diabetes: Things You Should Know

Recent studies have shown that there may be a link between menopause and diabetes. Women who are either peri-menopausal or are in the full stages of menopause may experience symptoms that are quite common, but since there may be a connection between menopause and...

Men and Substance Abuse

We all worry about the men in our lives. That’s why it’s shocking to hear that men are twice as likely to be addicted to alcohol or another substance than women. Substance abuse in itself is scary, but it can also lead to other dangerous behaviors. The best way to...

The Many Medicinal Uses of Sage

Sage is well known for its use as a seasoning in such foods as sausages, stuffing and many soups. Sage is more than just a flavoring agent. It has medicinal properties as well, and it can be used to alleviate numerous ailments. Sage contains camphor and phenolic...

When Is a Good Time To Go for a Mammogram

We all know that mammograms are an essential part of the early detection of breast cancer, but many of us still don’t get them as often as we should. It is important for all women, especially over the age of 40, to know what a mammogram is, and when and how often they...

Mall Walking – the Best of Both

When it comes to getting fit, it can often be hard to get started. It’s easy to be intimidated by the equipment and even the people in gyms and fitness facilities. If you want to get some exercise and have some fun in the process, why not skip the gym and head towards...

Learning to Live with Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs to varying degrees in six out of 1,000 people. It causes an impairment of skills that most of us take for granted, and usually results in behaviors that seem strange to the general public. Living with autism has always...

Five Healing Uses of Laser Therapy

Lasers have been used in medicine for years. Most people associate the medical use of lasers with surgery, and there’s no doubt that laser surgery has been one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of recent times. But more uses for lasers have been...

Unique Ways To Get Kids To Exercise

It seems the minute you mention the word “exercise” to kids, they quickly come up with excuses indicating they have something more important to do. However, if you ask kids if they’d like to play a game, go swimming or bowling, they are the first to have their coats...

Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy Foods

With all of the unhealthy foods that are available today, getting your kids to eat healthy foods may seem impossible. They often prefer microwavable pizzas to home-cooked meals, and greasy potato chips to fresh fruits and veggies. But you can get more healthy foods...

Kids Have Stress, Too

Sometimes it seems like stress is coming at us from all directions. Between work, bills, and relationships with others, there are many sources of stress for adults. Wouldn’t it be great to be a kid again and not have to deal with stress? The truth is, kids do...

Kids Endurance Exercises

When you think of endurance exercises what comes to mind? Running a race, dancing for hours and sports games? You would be correct. Endurance exercises are that which include aerobic activity in which the heart rate is elevated and additional oxygen is delivered to...

Keeping Kids Healthy in an Unhealthy World

Today, more kids than ever are overweight. They get less exercise and eat more unhealthy food than generations past. Video games have become a substitute for playing outside, and convenience foods are becoming a staple in their diets. These changes have lead to an...

Keep Your Cholesterol Low for Better Health

High cholesterol doesn’t really have any symptoms. You could have it right now, and unless you get tested for it, you would never know. Yet it can have some unsavory effects on your health. Our bodies need a certain amount of cholesterol for activities such as...

Keep a Journal for Progress

Journaling is a fantastic tool to track your progress. How you journal is highly personal. Here are some common journaling methods: 1. Track your day with details Many people don’t enjoy journaling their thoughts and feelings. If this is you, consider journaling the...

Is Reflexology Right For Me?

At a time when seeking traditional remedies to alleviate pain or distress is becoming less desirable, alternative methods of healing are coming to the forefront. Reflexology is the alternative way to incorporate a more balanced state of mind and body as well as...