While essential oils have been used for centuries, there are certain oils which one should avoid. Verbena oil can be one such oil. It should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy.

According to the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, verbena oil has been on their list of banned oils for quite some time. The reason is because this oil has been reported to cause skin reactions; this includes all oils that contain verbena.

Although there are hundreds of online companies that are selling this essential oil, it is well worth noting that before using it, a pregnant woman should consult with a doctor to ascertain its effects.

In addition, while all oils should be diluted by 2%, research into essential oils and their properties should be conducted before use. Moreover, verbena oil has been associated with allergic reactions. Therefore, if you are pregnant you may want to defer from using this oil, especially if you have sensitive skin.

For pregnant women who elect to have an aromatherapy treatment, it is advisable to ascertain what types of oils the aromatherapist is using before you engage in any type of treatment. Many essential oils can trigger nausea and vomiting, and pregnant women could be especially vulnerable to these symptoms if verbena oils are used.

It is also a good idea to determine if verbena contains any toxic components that can become a detriment to or a potential threat to a pregnant woman’s health.

The fact that there is little information on the internet regarding verbena oil may be also be an indication that not enough is known about the oil – other than what the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials has asserted.

Furthermore, although there is information on lemon verbena oil and its use as an antispasmodic agent, there is no information as to the effect this oil would have on pregnant women. In fact, there is no clinical data to either confirm or deny its effects.

Therefore, if you intend on using verbena oil it is recommended that you check with a doctor or expert on essential oils to determine whether it is beneficial or whether it poses a possible danger to your health.