Depression, as the TV ad states, can hurt. It can hurt those who are depressed as well as those around them. The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness is a constant state of mind in the depressed person and can lead to other conditions as well. However, there is hope for people who are depressed. Here are some insights into how cognitive therapy can help those who are suffering from depression.

The cognitive therapy approach treats the person, not the symptom. There are several ways in which this is accomplished. By addressing the pain associated with depression, the psychologist can offer alternative solutions to present-day problems. What does this mean?

When an individual is depressed, he or she views life similar to a cup that is half empty. The individual’s self-esteem is at its lowest ebb, and everything is looked upon in a negative manner. The problems an individual faces when depressed can be multiplied, even though they may be minor in nature. With cognitive therapy, these problems are addressed from the outset. The problem a depressed individual is facing is sorted out based on recognition of importance.

The cognitive therapy sessions allow the depressed individual to differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. In addition, the utilization of problem-solving methods helps the individual to make positive changes, and to focus on the positive and not the negative aspects of his or her life. After all, a depressed individual’s assessment of his or her life is a negative one, and thus any attempt to evaluate his or her own problems can intensify feelings of low self-worth.

With cognitive therapy, the depression is addressed head on. Behavior modifications are used to allow the individual to be able to function, cope with life’s problems, and begin to understand where the depression is emanating from, as well as learning to deal with it in a more positive manner.

More importantly, the burden of blame the individual is experiencing for all life’s problems are dealt with through the use of behavior modification. The belief that the individual is the cause of so much misery within is dissipated through identification and recognition of the real problem. Moreover, it allows the individual to distinguish the reality of the problem and not the perceived view that he or she is the cause of so much misery.

These distortions are focused on in cognitive therapy sessions. The psychologists give you the tools to help you change the way you think, and give you the impetus to make the necessary changes that empower you to view life in a more positive way. Thus, the depressed individual can then begin to cope with reality in a way that allows them to control any situation, and not the other way around.