Getting your child to exercise can be achieved from an early age by the mere fact that children are normally active. The sedentary lifestyle among families has a direct impact on whether or not a child becomes fully engaged in exercise. If a child doesn’t learn from parents that exercise and a healthy diet is important, the child will not want to participate in any form of exercise.

With the advent of computers and video games, TV and Nintendo, many children today are obese. Fast food restaurants and snacks also contribute to weight gain among children today. Mention exercise to a child and they sigh and moan without fully understanding the benefits attained through exercise and good eating habits.

Any doctor will tell you that 20 to 30 minutes of exercise a day can make a world of difference in a child’s life. Walking to school, participating in after school activities or spending time engaging in family activities such as biking, jogging, swimming or walking every night after dinner are the necessary components to achieve a healthy body and mind.

While it is also true that there are some children who do not like sports or any form of exercise for that matter, it is even more important to encourage them by enlisting the aid of family members to establish a daily routine. Invite their friends over to your home so they can play and develop an active lifestyle. Set up a soccer net in the back yard or a basketball hoop so that there will always be time set aside for outdoor play.

Today, Tai Kwan Do, a form of martial arts, has become very popular especially for younger children. It not only keeps them fit, but gives them a sense of pride and confidence as well.

As they grow older, what was fun one day becomes boring the next. Therefore, it’s vital to keep a child interested by mixing up their routine. Here is an analogy. When you go to the gym, you alternate between machines. Imagine if they only had one device you could use, you would certainly become bored as well.

For children, they need to be constantly stimulated by new things. Just as they grew tired of one toy when they were smaller, improvising instead of constantly buying new toys is the key. Whatever the exercise happens to be, it needs to be changed so that the child will never know what to expect. Thus, every activity becomes an adventure.